Man arrested after roof tile hits police officer in Hove | The Argus

2022-09-17 04:04:08 By : Ms. Aimee Chen

A MAN has been arrested after he lobbed a roof tile that hit a police officer.

The 27-year-old, wearing only Calvin Klein pants, could be shouting from the roof of a six-storey building in Hove yesterday.

The stand-off went on for more than three hours, with a police negotiator trying to talk the man down.

Police said he “refused to engage with officers and began throwing items from the roof towards them”.

The man after being arrested

One of the tiles hit an officer.

The incident happened at the corner of Cambridge Road and Lansdowne Road in Hove.

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Police responded to a report of a man on the roof of a property in Cambridge Road, Hove, at about 4pm on Sunday.

“He later climbed down from the roof and was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker. The 27-year-old from Hove was arrested without incident and taken into custody, where he remains.

“Anyone with relevant information or footage can report online, or call 101, quoting serial 869 of 21/08.”

The man is said to have eventually come down from the roof in exchange for a cigarette.

Police clearing up the aftermath

One witness told The Argus he shouted a “vocal list of prisons he thinks he may be taken to”.

He can be heard saying “f*** you” before shouting “take me to Wandsworth, High Down” which are two prisons in the South East.

It was claimed that one of the tiles smashed a window at a nearby flat.

The witness added: “He did come down on his own on the agreement of a cigarette. If only it had been sooner.”

The man could be seen with a cigarette in his mouth after being handcuffed by officers.

The road was reopened after the incident.

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